Drawception utilities
How to use/add a Bookmarklet: in this video you can see how to add a bookmarklet on both Chrome and MsEdge browsers (In Chrome or Firefox it's super easy, just drag a link/button on the Favourites bar, in MsEdge it's more awkward, bookmark whatever page, then edit its URL and paste the script copied from button).
Seamless panels for Cover (+cycle button)
This helps you continue a drawing by displaying previously drawn panels wrapped around your drawing canvas. The image is repeated along all of the four canvas edges, so it's good for any orientation (top, bottom, right and left). As soon as you click this bookmarklet you will be asked for the first URL of an existing panel on Drawception.
Please Note: do NOT use the address of a webpage containing the panel, the address has to be the direct URL of the image itself. Usually your browser should let you Right-click on panel and "Copy image location" (not Copy image)
If in your new panel you're drawing you need to continue three panels, top, right and left panels: you start clicking the bookmarklet 3 times providing each the URL of all three panels. To avoid wasting precious time, keep both URLs ready for copy/paste.
Then you can switch and cycle all of them by clicking the Next button on top-left.
DCseamlessCover (drag me don't click me)For ANBT users:
Last updated 2018-08-12: now also increases the margin around ANBT canvas
DCseamlessCover (drag me don't click me)Discuss in this forum thread: How to "carefully craft" a Seamless Cover :)
Stop Dragging Selection (TOGGLE)
When you draw on your canvas and release the cursor out of it you might see other part of the page selected. If you continue to draw it won't work because your browser is trying to drag that selection around! Browsers showing this issue: MsEdge and now Chrome as well!
Click this bookmarklet to fix the selection issues (a click before you start drawing or as soon as you encounter the issue). This is a TOGGLE version so you can click again to turn OFF/ON again the Selection on page (e.g. turn it off if you want to select+copy the new Imgur upload in Sandbox!). You can see its toggle status on top-left (see picture).
Discuss in this forum thread: How to reproduce/fix Selection Drag bug (both Chrome+MsEdge)
Stop Dragging Selection
When you draw on your canvas and release the cursor out of it you might see other part of the page selected. If you continue to draw it won't work because your browser is trying to drag that selection around! Browsers showing this issue: MsEdge (read below) and now Chrome as well! Click this bookmarklet to fix the selection issues (a click before you start drawing or as soon as you encounter the issue).
DCSelDragFix (drag me don't click me)Discuss in this forum thread: Latest Chrome update makes game almost unplayable...
MsEdge fix for new canvas (outdated, use above versions)
Click this to fix the issues MsEdge is having with the new Drawception Canvas (it starts to drag something instead of drawing, continues to draw even if you've released pen)
DCMSEdgeFix (drag me don't click me)Discuss in this forum thread: Recording of the Disaster in action with new Canvas (MSEdge)
Last check to your Drawing after Timeout
When you're drawing and time runs out, a very annoying white layer appears on it that doesn't allow you to give an overall look at your finished work. Is it good? Embarassing details missing? Is it worth the submit?
Clicking this bookmarklet lets you doublecheck the entire quality of your drawing turning the white panel transparency to the max. Take a few seconds to check then Submit before it's too late! You can also turn it back on by clicking the bookmarklet again (it's an on/off toggle)
Last updated: 2018-03-18
Seamless panels for Cover (Previous version, single panel)
This helps you continue a drawing by displaying a previously drawn panel wrapped around your drawing canvas. The image is repeated along all of the four canvas edges, so it's good for any orientation (top, bottom, right and left). As soon as you click this bookmarklet you will be asked for the URL of an existing panel on Drawception.
If you need to continue two panels, let's say a top and left panels: you start with the top and sign all the continuation references, then click the bookmarklet again and provide the URL of the left panel. To avoid wasting precious time, keep both URLs ready for copy/paste.
DCseamlessCover (drag me don't click me)For ANBT users:
DCseamlessCover (drag me don't click me)Single Panel image URL to Game link
Search the page for any image that is an actual Drawception panel image, silently make them a link to the complete game. So click on the bookmarklet and then click on the image to open the game where the panel is in.
Please note: this won't work with new panel images, only with images before June 2018.
DCimg2game (drag me don't click me)